a long way to go
mystery on my right side and
lust in the back
We're watching the night sky from the rolled down hood
the pale blue paint on the car is like neon against the full moon night.
hair in the cool arid breeze
i look into my rear view and exchange a glance at the mistress
in my back seat
I ask Mystery if she's enjoying the ride.
she replies, "This reminds me what I dreamt about last night".
I try not to think about it too much - what she might be getting at.
She always had the ability to force me to finish what she was thinking.
and she'd always get the answer she wanted. How manipulative.
The gravel puncturing against the tires
the low rumble of the engine
the sweet smell desert lilies punctuates my last sense
I could drive on this road for all the nights left in my life.
Hopefully the sun will never rise again.
I could stay here on this lunar plane.
Labels: dream poem, nature, organic verse, poem, poetry