notes of yours truly: I've taken my time and here I am. for you.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

I've taken my time and here I am. for you.

Let me rest on this rock molten perch
look out over the vistas
there it was a vision a flash
of something to say
but like the maiden
she flees my overt recollection

I shall be full of repose
the light so full of shadows
the free form ghosts
which haunt me there
a forest invites me into its limbs

I stand in that hushed pine grove
insulated by the needle bed
the towering tops of Pinus Wallichiana,
Sciadopitys verticillata, and in its understory
Betula Nigra, phyllum, and the occasional earthworm.
Oh, this aged bark and all it has to tell
Under its dermis I dwell.
the cool sinuous fiber muscle of its strength
the cool rambling roots
the breathing stoma
I respire with the ages
birds flock to my limbs
I smile in my treetops
find great comfort in their kin
exhale and support the Yin
The Yang of me derives strength from them
My cool moist roots firmly strengthened, planted
the pesdestal, which I stand
I respire
and take in the damp earth scent
I find so pleasant
You know that smell
it's of richness and life
depth and
past lives

I will look to the sky
for my night's journey


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